Lockdown Changes

I have been trying to adjust to the many changes since I have been spending so much more time at home in lockdown. I miss being at the clinic treating my wonderful clients but I realise it is important for all of us to play our part in stopping the spread of Covid 19 and flatten the curve.

As well as gardening and bike riding for exercise I have been trying some new recipes. I made my first batch of Chilli Jam yesterday using some of my home grown chillies, tastes quite good and even managed to get the hot jam into the jars without burning myself.

I also made some seed crackers using a recipe one of my friends shared with me. The crackers are so good I thought I would share the recipe so you can give it a try.

Jessica Sepel: Easy Seed Crackers

• 200g sunflower seeds, 60g flax seeds, 100g sesame seeds, 2 Tbsp. Psyllium Husk, 500ml water, 1 tsp. Himalayan sea salt, any seasoning flavour of your choice for the top of the crackers – I added 1 Tbsp. Chia seeds too
1. Preheat oven to 160°C. Line 3 baking trays with baking paper & lightly spray tray & paper with a good oil.
2. In a mixing bowl, combine all ingredients and leave the mixture to stand until thick and pliable (about 10 minutes).
3. Divide mixture over 3 larger trays & spread as thinly as possible on the lined baking sheet. The mixture should have no holes or gaps. Grind salt/black pepper/Moroccan herbs or whatever flavor you choose on the top.
4. Bake for 1 hour, turning & rotating all the trays after 20 minutes as they will brown more on one side. Note: They may need another 10-15 minutes until they are nice and really crispy, keep an eye on them to be sure not to burn them towards the end (Note* when the bottom is very shiny you will know they are done)
5. Remove from oven and leave to cool. Once cool, break or cut into any size you like and store in an airtight container.

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