
Winter tips and trips, warming ideas


Drink Lots of Water If you have joint or digestive problems drinking more water may be your answer. Your brain needs 500ml of water per day, if you don’t supply that it takes water from your body, including your joints and digestive system. Water is essential for the daily functions […]

when we sleep waste drains from the brain


Bowen Therapy helps the body in many ways, one effect is deep sleep after treatment. I have the best sleep after my Bowen treatment and wake feeling energised and clear headed.  Perhaps this can be linked to better functioning of our glymphatic system. The glymphatic system is a recently discovered […]


Medical intuition is the ability to provide in-depth insights into your current state of health and wellness, by gathering and reading energetic information in and around your body.  It helps you understand the underlying source of emotional, spiritual and physical issues. Put simply medical intuition is the art of healing […]

Manual Lymphatic Drainage with Raine Edwards

You may have noticed that I offer a form of massage called manual lymphatic drainage. Here is some information about what it is and the benefits of a manual lymphatic drainage massage. Lymphatic drainage massage is a form of gentle massage that encourages the movement of lymph fluids around the […]

Lockdown Changes

I have been trying to adjust to the many changes since I have been spending so much more time at home in lockdown. I miss being at the clinic treating my wonderful clients but I realise it is important for all of us to play our part in stopping the […]

Burning back pain

Bowen Therapy – Still amazing after 22 years

Do you have burning back pain? Results from Bowen Therapy still amaze me after all this time. I am very lucky to have been a Bowen Therapist for the last 22 years, I never regret my choice to change my career path. I know at the time lots of people […]

Feeling Stuck?

We all experience times when we feel in a rut and need to re-evaluate our lives to make better choices for ourselves.  But all too often, obstacles get in the way from being able to ‘move forward’ and we end up feeling ‘stuck’. Dr. Kerry Petsinger looked at people’s careers […]

Bowen Therapy and Digestion – Is your food affecting how you feel?

Have you noticed how you feel after eating something? Do certain foods affect you, causing nausea, bloating or reflux? Becoming aware of the answers to these questions can be the first step towards feeling as good as you can. I have some suggestions that are aimed at helping you feel […]

Essences and Text


Life Remedies – Australian Wild Flower Essences Bach Flower Remedies Flower essences bring about mental and emotional balance mainly by influencing our body’s energy systems. These essences enter the bloodstream when ingested or absorbed through our skin. The remedies create an electromagnetic current in the circulatory and nervous system and […]